Daniel from Israel is live on the mic. So turn on your speakers, this was him talking to me, Chris(Australia), Ray (Ireland), on the roof of the Lime House Youth Hostel in Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Getting Ready for another night at the LimeHouse
Crazy Irish Guys at
the hostel probably getting over a night of drinking

What is it like to ride your bike in Argentina?? Good question. For me it was a cycle trip through a country that needed much more time than I gave it. Only twenty days in November of 2006 is not nearly enough time to see the whole country, probably having two or three years would be better, or at least six months... But it was a great bike trip either way. There were all kinds of different road surfaces, from new highways, to nice paved roads, dirt roads, dusty roads, roads with large reptiles in the middle etc... Roads without anything for 50 km or more, no water for sale etc... I was mostly riding in the Pampa, which is relatively flat, and for me it was very windy the whole time. There was not any major dog incidents like I had in Croatia, nor were there any major close calls with drivers on the road. No other dangerous situations besides an unintentional meander through the slums or Buenos Aires that scared the crap out of me. How is the camping in Argentina you might ask? I dont have any answer. Although I brought the tent and sleeping bag, it was never used. Hotels and hostel were so cheap, that the decision was relatively easy each night what to do. At the end of the day, I really need to go back to Argentina and spend more time there biking the whole country, there ar many different regions that I totally missed due to lack of time. One day I ran into a couple travelling on bike together. They had been on the road for about four months and had covered quite a bit of the country at that point. They had only good things to say about the scenery and people they had met. They really enjoyed the far south parts of the country. Enjoy some of the pictures here and have a great day.
This is the main page for the links to other parts of the trip in Argentina.